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What nicotine concentration for my e-liquid?

scentifiques dans un laboratoire

It's exactly the dose I need...this e liquid is perfect.

Remember when you still smoked cigarettes... you had a choice ranging from ultralight to throat-sore filterless. Yet you only smoked your XXXXX super strong reds, or the gold and white light pack.

You'd get a sore throat when you smoked the cigarette you'd ask your friend who smokes strong cigarettes for on Sundays when all the local tobacconists were closed. The overdose could even make you feel a little dizzy.

You strong-armed fans felt nothing when you pulled with all your might on that thin, ultra-light, tasteless thing that normal people dared to call a cigarette.

This pattern is not entirely obsolete with electronic cigarettes.

So you need to choose the e-liquid with the dose that will best enable you to make the transition from conventional cigarettes. You need to find the perfect nicotine concentration for you and no one else.

An e-liquid with the right concentration will enable you to make a smooth and even pleasant transition from a conventional cigarette to a vaporizer.

Be careful not to fall into two traps

. 1 choosing too low a concentration

Your body has become accustomed to receiving a certain amount of nicotine. Choosing a less nicotine-rich e-liquid may lead you to start smoking again. You may also feel cravings, to a greater or lesser degree, which you can avoid by choosing an appropriate concentration.

. 2 choose one that's too high

Sore throats, dizziness, and a slight disgust that may also lead you to give up vapote and go back to traditional cigarettes.

each DEA a eliquid is available in 5 nicotine concentration ranges, so there's something for everyone

The "strength" equivalent of a conventional cigarette:

- 0 MG: None, for those who have already quit
- 4 MG: Ultra light
- 9 MG: Light
- 14 MG: Classic
- 18 MG: Strong

To be on the safe side, you can your e liquid preferred with several different concentrations.

Good vap
